Sensor for detecting various types of biological contaminants

Identifying carriers of dangerous viruses and bacteria has become very important these days. Unfortunately, screening tools are limited to thermal cameras and visual cues that, due to the function of the virus and its latent period and the use of antipyretic drugs, carriers can easily mislead the screening. These days, everyone is looking for fast diagnostic tools with low error rates to be able to accurately identify the desired viruses or bacteria.

PCR is commonly used in virus detection tools. The system uses physical techniques to separate, duplicate, and copy the target material to increase the amount of target material to amplify the diagnostic optical signals emitted from the sample and to detect them. کرد. This tool and the use of existing techniques greatly reduce the speed of monitoring and can not be used as a tool in the field for immediate diagnosis of the disease.
In a day when biological threats and epidemics may cripple countries, a powerful, low-error, powerful diagnostic tool can prevent the onset, development, and epidemics of disease, and provide the government with powerful facilities to protect individuals and conferences. Put. Traditional screening, such as measuring fever and checking for symptoms, is not a complete and accurate tool at all.

Quantum and its technologies provide powerful and accurate tools for building sensory amplification infrastructures that enable the detection of a variety of genetic, viral, and biological threats instantly and accurately.
The reason for using PCR is the low amount of signals that can be emitted from the sample, and in principle, in order to increase the detection speed, the process of replication and increase of the virus must be eliminated. We need to eliminate the increase in the number of viruses that prolong the detection time by a few hours. To eliminate this process, we must go to the instant monitoring techniques. The main disadvantage is the low level of virus in the sample. In traditional techniques, fluorescence spectroscopy is used. In this method, using light radiation to the sample, they stimulate the fluorescence of the sample and increase the intensity of the received signal by increasing the amount of virus.
Now the problem is that using new quantum techniques, problems that have not been solved before are solved. By using quantum tools in diagnostic tools, these tools become very powerful, the problem is that if the carrier has a very small amount of virus and naturally there is a very small amount of virus in his saliva. Inside the corona virus is RNA, which has an unstable structure, which we have suggested to detect its small amount. Using a specific wavelength laser, the sample is stimulated lightly. After light stimulation, if there is even a very small amount of virus in the sample, Fluorescence is known, but it reflects with very low intensity that by designing and fabricating a highly accurate single-photon detector with relatively sophisticated electronics, it is possible to capture photons emitted from a possible virus.

Applications :

Find the presence of a single virus
Finding the infected on the first day of infection
Control the epidemics